Many people think body wraps don’t work but, when you speak to those customers who have already availed the services, you will be surprised to know how beneficial body wrap sessions are. If you are someone who is looking for instant results and does not want to go through those rigorous dieting processes. Then, body wraps are certainly for you. Body wraps are increasingly becoming one of the popular skincare treatments.
Body wraps are one of the most effective spa treatments that provide your body with all sorts of moisturization and nourishment. It removes overloaded toxins from the body to tone, hydrate, relax and soothe the muscles. It’s a procedure where your skin is soaked in creams for a while. While most wraps are performed on your entire body, leaving the face and private areas.
This unique treatment works wonders in losing inches from the targeted areas and also helps in removing dead skin and moisturize. Body wraps are not only effective but also provide you with an intensely relaxing experience. Some of the essential benefits of body wraps are skin tightening, cellulite reduction, inch loss and overall slimming of your body.
If you are looking for a short answer, then Yes. It does make you look slim instantly. Body wraps are highly effective and recommended by skincare and Beauty experts around the world only because of their efficacy. Not only does it help you lose inches but, it also does a lot more things. It cleanses your skin, tones, and tightens your body thus, leaving you fully rejuvenated and detoxified.
Now, having understood this, it is important to understand that body wrap treatments deliver instant results. It only takes a few hours and, you are able to lose some inches straight away. While losing weight requires you to follow an intensive diet and practice a strict routine. You have to do vigorous exercise for a certain period before you can see results. There should be no misconception around it and, losing weight and losing inches are two different things. Body wraps help you achieve the latter.
For additional benefits such as skin tightening and body detoxification, experts recommend a series of Body Wraps. You can witness the positive results within a span of some time. It makes a lot of difference to your shape. So, the bottom line is Body Wraps will do in just 1 hour what your diet takes two to three weeks to achieve.
Did you know that toxins are often stored in fat cells and that accumulation of toxins is primarily due to lack of self-care, improper diet, frequent illnesses, use of medication, lifestyle choices, and stress. Smoking, drinking, and stress do more damage to our bodies and metabolism. Women may have more toxic build-up because of hormonal changes and pregnancy. This accumulation of toxins limits healthy blood circulation.
It further blocks lymphatic systems. Thus affect the connective tissues that hold and keep the shape of soft skin tissue. This causes sagging of skin and cellulite deposit. Now, this is where body wrap treatments prove to be highly effective in replenishing the cells, tightening the skin, and rejuvenating the whole body.
The body is wrapped in bandages soaked in totally organic solutions that contain minerals and clays from the Dead Sea. The Body Wrap lifts, shapes, and tightens the body by compressing the fatty tissues. It further refines the body shape to give you an ideal & improved figure. The body wrap is left for some time so that the soft tissue gets properly compressed and compacted. As a result, after this, your skin regains its lost elasticity because it gets detoxified.
Body wrap results are almost instant and, there is absolutely no downtime whatsoever. It is just a matter of few hours. Good thing is that the results are highly effective. As long as you follow the suggested weight loss routine, the lost inches will stay off for at least a couple of months. This procedure produces a firmer and much smoother muscle base where the soft tissue lies. This treatment is not only for women but, men can take full advantage of it as well.
If you are looking for a toned body and attractive figure without having to go through an intense workout regime and strict diet plan. Then body wrap treatments are for you! You can re-sculpt your body, reshape your hips and stomach in just one treatment. You will be amazed to see the difference in one treatment. Although there are various body wraps programs according to the expectations. The body wrap programme is individually assessed depending on your lifestyle and advised by an expert. The programme continues for over four to five weeks or more. It helps the clients to achieve their ideal goals. Not everyone is the same- some are happy with losing a few inches and, some want complete transformation.
So, what are you waiting for? Indulge in one of our Amazing Contour Body Wraps at Your Sanctuary Day Spa. Call us today to get a special package price.